Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The key is to be ten percent more insane than the people you're working with. Keep people on their toes. How about this blast from the past eh? It's been a while since I've written anything here... more than a year actually. I never actually completed my account of that winter vacation last year. That's okay though, you can use your imagination.

A lot has happened in the past, oh let's say, 16 months. But at the same time very little has happened. I've gone through a couple girlfriends, bought a motorcycle to regain my youth, lost both girls, got shot down by a couple others, though that was usually in good fun. I'll sell the moped(yeah I was generous before) soon for half what I paid for it before but that's okay.

These days I've been sitting around planning my next step. Slowly I've been packing and yesterday I burned a lot of things(only paper things) but in the more productive side of things I was able to find a way to send my things to my next destination. Namely Beijing. Unfortunately with the olympics coming they've decided not to let me into my place until the 23rd of august... It's a bit of a piss-off. But I'll survive...

But the past... yeah you're probably interested... though mildly interested I'm sure, still I'll take any interest I can get. Both my folks visited, Jason as well. That was good times. Oh! I know after I get rid of most of my things in Beijing I should go to Macau and put it all on red(this is china after all, and last time black tanked). I think it's probably all my things that's really bringing me down these days. I really don't want to deal with all my shit. Those of you who know me(which probably means everyone reading, I can't imagine anyone who doesn't know me would be interested in my nonsensical ramblings, then again I havent' told anyone about starting to write again... so I'm guessing no one is reading...) no that I don't really accumulate much in the way of things I seem to still have more than I'd like... I have half a mind to leave the bulk of it... but then I'd have none of my comforts(rye) when I get to Beijing.

Herbie Hancock is great. Give me a minute... or 15...

Back. good times... now we have Don McLean... but I think i can keep going. I don't know what I'm talking about anymore. maybe I should stop then... I ramble enough as it is. I guess to put it most simply most of the past year could be thought of as an exercise in isolation of sorts.
